Wednesday 12 February 2014

Pol. Science

Ch-7 Outcomes of Democracy

Q1. How does democracy produce an accountable, responsible or legitimate government?
A1. A. Since citizens enjoy the legitimate political right to choose their representative through regular elections, they also enjoy the right to exercise control over them.
B. Citizens have a right to participate in decision-making based on norms and procedures.
C. They can also examine the process of decision-making through deliberations and negotiations. This is called transparency. This makes a government responsible to the people.
D. Such a government promotes the formulation and expression of public opinion. It has to regard public opinion in order to find out expectations of the citizens.
E. People can have right to information, open public debates and discussions on legislations.

Q2. Explain why democracy is considered good in principle but not so good in practice?
A2. A. Democracy produces less effective government because some delay is bound to take place in the process of decision-making, which involves long deliberations negotiations and procedures.
B. Elections may not provide a fair chance to everyone.
C. Every decision may not be subjected to public debate.
D. Democratic government does not have a very good record when it comes to sharing information with citizens.
E. Democratic governments are not largely free of corruption.
F. They may not always be attentive or responsive to the needs and demands of majority of the population.
G. In actual practice democracies have not been very successful in reducing economic inequalities.

Q3. Give arguments or oppose the following assertions:

A.    Industrialized countries can afford democracy but the poor need dictatorship to become rich.
Ans A

1. It is incorrect to think that poor countries need dictatorship to become rich, because economic growth and materialism is not only requirement for the development and happiness of people.
2. People deserve democratic ideals liberty and freedom and a legitimate responsible and accountable government of their choice.
3. It is only in a democracy that people can make demands for reforms freely.

B.    Democracy can’t reduce inequality of incomes between different citizens.
Ans B

1. In actual practice, democracies don’t appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequality because most democratic governments are not seriously keen to address the question of poverty. Usually the rich only control political life and enjoy undue economic benefits.
2. However, a democratic government can reduce economic inequality through economic reforms such as providing equal opportunities to all, ensuring equal distribution of wealth, etc.
3. Besides, it is only in a democratic government that people are free to raise their voice against economic inequality and help to initiate reforms for the common good.

C.    Government in poor countries should spend less on poverty reduction, health, education and more on industries and infrastructure.
Ans C
1. Development of industries and infrastructure will lead to economic development.
2. Expenditure on education and health and steps for the removal of poverty will lead to development of human resource.
3. Therefore, the government must strike a balance and give importance to both aspects to ensure overall progress.

D.   In democracy all citizens have one vote, which means that there is absence of any domination and conflict.
Ans D
1. It is a fact that there is a political equality in as one person gets one vote but domination of weaker sections and conflicts do occur due to social divisions. E.g.- India
2. By evolving mechanisms to negotiate differences. E.g.-Policy of Accommodation in Belgium.
3. By promoting general view i.e. majority rule with due weight to minority view.
4. Majority rule does not mean rule of the majority community in terms of religion, race and linguistic groups etc.
5. It means that different people and groups have a fair chance to form the majority.

Q5. Democracy is a better form of government as compared to dictatorship or any other alternatives. Justify.
A5. A. In non- democratic governments or dictatorship, decision- making and implementation is quick and more efficient than in democratic governments because dictators do not have to bother about long debates and deliberations in assemblies. They need not worry about majorities and public opinion like a democracy.
B. Dictatorships face troubles, as fast decisions may not be acceptable by citizens. In democracy the government will take more time to follow procedures like debating and consulting different people and then arrive at sound decisions. So there is transparency.
C. In non-democratic governments the principle of individual freedom and dignity would not have legal and moral force but in democracies these are assured. So democracy stands superior.
D. Democracies allow for some practices and institutions, Eg.  Free and fair elections, open public debate son major policies and legislations citizen’s rights to information about government and its functioning, etc. It is responsible and accountable for its actions because it is a government by force. It does not allow freedom of expression, dissent, press, civil liberties, etc. It may suppress opposition violently.
E. Democracy is a rule by the people as people elects the government of their choice, while in dictatorship there is monopolization of power in the hands of a leader or a political party. Government is not elected.

F. Democracy is best suited to respect accommodate and resolve social differences while non-democratic governments may ignore and suppress internal social differences.

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