Wednesday 12 February 2014

Ch -8 Challenges to Democracy

1.     Define the following terms:-
·  ChallengeA challenge is difficulty that carries within it an opportunity for progress. Once we overcome a challenge we go up to higher level than before. It is a problem which can be solved.
·  Political Reform or Democracy Reform – Generally all the suggestions or proposals about overcoming various challenges are called ‘Democracy Reform’ or ‘Political Reform’

2.     Describe three main categories of challenges faced by modern Democracies?
·  Foundation Challenge: It is faced by about one fourth of the non-democratic countries of the world. They have the challenge of making the transition from dictatorship to democracy. This involves (a) bringing down the existing non-democratic regime (b) preventing military from controlling government (c) Establishing a sovereign and functional state.
·  Challenge of Expansion: It is faced by most established democracies of the world. eg. India and USA. It involves the applying of the basic principles of democratic government across all regions, social groups and various institutions in order to ensure (a) greater power to local bodies (b) extending federal principles to all federal units (c) Inclusion of women and minority groups in democratic practise.
·  Challenge of Deepening Democracy: It is faced by every democracy in one form or the other. It involves strengthening of institutions and practices of democracies that promote participation and control of people. It requires an attempt to bring down the control and influence of rich powerful people in making decisions to their advantage only in government, parliament and panchayats.
3.     What is the role of citizens in a democracy?
·  Citizens need to show more care and alertness in electing the right candidates and in rejecting corrupt and bad politicians.
·  Citizens should not be misled by wrong practices, which tend to divide them. They must overcome the barriers of caste and religion and develop a rational conduct. Be socially responsible.
·  Citizens need to be politically responsible, vigilant and aware of laws and their rights and must use them for their benefit. E.g. Right to Information Act helps to check work of government officials. They must channelize the democratic systems by voicing their opinions and grievances in order to make democracy effective. Education is the soul of democracy. Only educated citizens can lead to good democracy.
4.     What are the features of a good democracy?
·  Rule of the People: People have the final decision making power as they elect their representatives.
·  Free and Fair Elections: In which those currently in power also have a fair chance of losing elections.
·  Universal Adult Franchise: Each Adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value. This ensures political equality.
·  Role of Law: Democratic Government rules within limits set by constitutional law and citizens rights to check it. Rule of majority however does not mean that the view of the minority can be ignored.
·  Accountability of Government: Democratic Government is responsible to the citizens. Its Policy can be questioned. It has to be responsive to their needs and expectations.
·  Enhances the dignity of Citizens: Democracy is based on two main principles i.e, equality and freedom to all citizens. It must check any form of discrimination. It is necessary to ensure economic and social justice.

·  Democracy accommodates social diversities: Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts between social groups. It allows for power sharing.

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